xaminit = Examine It
We develop content to help people think through and examine the basic, big life questions using both fun and rigorous methods.
1. Main Author: Allen Wiseman
Short Bio: I hold a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Waterloo, with a special interest in the reality of God from a Biblical point of view. Many people do not hold this view, but I have studied (& continue to), thought deeply, and written material that works through many of the issues, concerns, and objections involved. I would like to share these ideas with you. Thank you for keeping an open mind and joining me on this journey.
2. Editor/Assistant: Nathaniel Wiseman
Short Bio: I have diverse experience and background, including a Bachelor of Music in Voice Performance. I am interested in the fields of history, philosophy, critical thinking, languages and biblical studies. I have some technical expertise, skill and experience as an editor. I am especially aware of how World Views and culture affect our view of reality. I hope you will find the material we develop and publish on this website stimulating and helpful.
Please be aware that this website is under development: we will eventually have a contact page (and a lot of content), but for now,
if you have serious and honest questions or comments, please write to:
Further, if you have written or found material that is relevant to the discussions on this website, we would be interested in seeing it; and if we think it is of sufficiently good quality, we will gladly incorporate it (with proper credit, of course) or place a link to it.